Prof. G.'s
Mindfulness/Anchoring Course

Course Outline

Day 1:
1. Watch: Introduction video.
2. Download:
Anchoring Tutorial PDF and/or MP3.

Day 2:
1. Read or Listen: Anchoring Tutorial. This 15 minute lesson will teach you how to do Anchoring/Mindfulness. Find a quiet place where you can sit and pay attention to the directions.

Day 3:
1. Do: Anchoring Tutorial again to refresh your mind. Perhaps experiment with a different place and time than the first time you did it. Many people find at night before bed to be a good time because the day is winding down and the household is quiet.
2. Repeat on Day 4

Day 5:
1. Read or Listen: Practice 1. Since you're good at what you practice, read or listen to this guided practice session.
2. Repeat on Day 6.

Day 7:
1. Read or Listen: Practice 2. This is more guided practice.
2. Repeat on Day 8.

Day 9:
1. Read or listen: Practice 3.
2. Repeat on Day 10.

Day 11:
1. Read or listen: Practice 4.
2. Repeat on Day 12.

Day 13:
1. Read or listen: Practice 5.
2. Repeat on Day 14

Day 15:
1. Read or listen: Practice 6.

Day 16 and thereafter: Check-in

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