Prof. G.'s
Mindfulness/Anchoring Course

Practice Session 2

My religion is kindness.
      ~ Dalai Lama

Hello Class -

This is the second of our Anchoring/Mindfulness practice sessions.

Follow my audio instructions. You can access the audio by clicking on this link and/or downloading the MP3 and saving it on your computer, mobile device, or audio player -- whatever works for you. Right click on the link to download the MP3.

Do this session two times today and two times tomorrow. Then move on to Practice Session 3

Comments?. If you wish to, tell the instructor how it is going with Anchoring. Any problems? Questions?

The goal of this session is for you to practice Anchoring/Mindfulness for 10 minutes. Or, if that isn't right for you now, it's OK to do 2 or 5 minutes. I'll keep track of the practice time up to 10 minutes. If you want to practice longer than that, stop the audio when I say "Start" and stop practicing when you wish to. You may use a timer; there's one in the Anchoring Tutorial Quiet Room

Before you proceed any more, I want you to...

Sit straight.

Uncross your legs so you don't restrict blood and energy flow in your body.

Place your feet flat on the floor so you can ground yourself to the earth.

Relax your hands and forearms. Imagine any tension draining out of your fingertips and into the air.

Bring your shoulders down from your ears to release the tension in your shoulders and neck.

Breathe easily and naturally. Let the air breathe you.

Close your eyes and focus your attention on your feet touching the floor. for a minute or two. Be as still and quiet as you can be. This will help you transition from whatever you were doing before this to practice.

When you feel ready, start the audio. When I say "Start," focus your awareness on your Anchor-place, either your breathing, your back against the wall, or your feet on the floor, grounding you to the earth. I will signal you when two minutes have elapsed and again when five minutes have elapsed.

Remember, if your mind wanders, don't worry about it. The mind always wanders. When you notice your mind wandering, say to yourself "Oh, my mind is wandering" and refocus your awareness on your Anchor-place. Do not try to clear your mind of all thought. Do not get angry with yourself if your mind wanders. And definitely don't stop the audio. Just note with a feeling of kindness that you are frustrated and refocus your awareness on your Anchor-place.

If you are having trouble focusing, try counting your breaths silently from one to ten.

OK? Start the audio.

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