First Aid for Sports Injuries

APP Alphabetical Index


Sunburn is due to overexposure of the skin to ultraviolet (uv) radiation. Prevention: cover the skin with clothes and ultraviolet-absorbing lotions or sprays with SPF greater than 30.

Immediate Attention

1. Cool sunburned skin with cold compresses or cold bath (not ice). Avoid a hot shower.

2. If desired for pain, acetaminophen or ibuprofen (see Pain Control).

3. If desired, apply lubricants to soothe skin. Do not use butter or oils as they trap heat and cause more discomfort.

Consult a physician IF...

•  blisters appear.

•  nausea, vomiting, or feeling woozy occur.

•  the victim is taking antibiotics.

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Copyright Eric Golanty. All rights reserved.