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FDA Home Page

FDA Recalls and Safety Alerts for the past 60 Days

MedWatch...the FDA Medical Products Reporting Program enables health professionals to report serious adverse events andproduct problems that occur with all medical products including drugs, biologics, medical devices,and special nutritional products (eg: medical foods, dietary supplements, and infant formulas).

Healthtouch...searchable info on over 7000 drugs

Drugs.com's professional pages

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

RxAssist...search for free and low-costprescription medications for patients

Pharmaceutical Companies...a link-list

PharmWeb...info on pharmaceutical activities

Ahead of Their Time ...a children's book about the 1951 University of San Francisco Dons football team, "the best team you never heard of." The team was invited to play in the 1952 Orange Bowl game, but only if its two African-American members did not participate. The young men on the USF team refused the invitation, and in so doing showed the whole world -- back then and even now -- that honor, integrity, and supporting teammates are more important in sports than winning and being famous. Find out more

Burned out?

Over half of physicians and physicians-in-training report feeling burned out. More...

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