Serving physicians since 1995
Clinical Practice
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National Guideline Clearninghouse...repository of hundreds of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines developed by specialtysocieties, federal agencies, health plans, hospitals, and other agencies from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).
National Library of Medicine's HSTAT...a searchable collection of large, full-text clinical practice guidelines, technology assessments and health information.
Cochrane Reviews...evidence based reviews of randomized controlled trials.
Bandolier...evidence based medical reviews and reports produced monthly in Oxford, England for the National Health Service R&D Directorate.
American College of Physicians Journal Club...clinical reviews and commentary from the American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine.
NIH Clinical Alerts and Advisories...findings from NIH-funded clinical trials that can significantly affect morbidity and mortality. from NIH about the location, design, purpose, criteria for participation, and, in many cases, further information about the disease and treatment under for 4000-plus federal and private medical studies.
FDA Public Health and updates on health topics on food, drugs, medical devices, and vaccines
Clinical Calculators...links to dozens of decision support tools (calculators, scores, scales, tables etc.) from MedicineWorld
RxAssist...enables physicians to apply for free medications for eligible patients from patients' assistance programs at over 100 pharmaceutical companies.
CDC's Vaccine and Immunization page... recommendations on immunization practices; vaccine news and updates
Emerging Infectious Diseases...a peer-reviewed journal published by the National Center for Infectious Diseases, CDC
GeneTests...database of dozens of concise, expert-authored, peer-reviewed medical descriptions of specific inherited disorders and authoritative, current information on the role of genetic testing in the diagnosis, management, and genetic counseling of patients with these inherited conditions. (sponsored by the NIH and University of Washington School of Medicine)
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man...the NIH's National Center for Biotechnology Information's catalog of human genes and genetic disorders with more than 9000 entries.
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