About the Course

Purpose and Philosophy of the Course

Using Blackboard

Course assignments

Submitting assignments


Course Materials


Assignments & Schedule

Purpose and Philosophy of the Course

The purpose of Health 1 is to help you live healthfully now and for the rest of your life.

Many students enter the course thinking that good health is primarily related to proper nutrition and physical fitness. Whereas nutrition and exercise are important to health, the most important factor that determines your state of health is your mind. That's where you have your knowledge, beliefs and attitudes about health; your attitudes about your self worth; your world view and how you interpret your experiences; your attitudes about a healthy social and physical environment

Stop reading now and read this story to see how the mind can affect your experience.

Using Blackboard

All the course assignments are accessible through both Blackboard and a regular, open website: http://www.ergo84.com/lpchealth1/.
Write down or bookmark the open website URL in case Blackboard ever goes down (which it sometimes does).

All communication is via regular e-mail rather than via Blackboard. This means...
1. You do NOT use the Blackboard Digital Drop Box for submitting assignments
2. You communicate with the Instructor via regular e-mail, not via the Blackboard e-mail or messaging system.
You submit assignments in the body of a regular e-mail message; NO ATTACHMENTS (More info)

Course assignments

The course consists of 9 segments, or modules, each of which has 2-3 assignments. Click here to see the list of assignments.

There are no exams. The assignments consist of...
1. Health promotion activities and your assessment of them (Example)
2. Learning activities (questions based on readings; Example)
3. Self-health course project

Submitting assignments

Follow these steps...

1. Do all assignments in your Word Processor. That way you can do your best work and you always will have a copy
2. It's best to copy the assignment from its web page by highlighting it, clicking on "Copy" in the Edit Menu, and pasting in a blank word processing page.
3. Do the assignment in a separate file in your word processor. Spell check.
4. Put your name at the top of the body of the assignment
5. Save the assignment on your hard drive for your records.
6. Copy the file to a blank window in your e-mail program.
7. In the Subject Line of your e-mail put your last name and the assignment's name: Last Name - assignment Name (
More info)
8. E-mail your assignment to the Instructor: Course E-mail

Your scored assignment will be returned to you via e-mail within a day or two.

Be sure to follow rules for academic honesty and fairness


Assignments carry a specific point value. Grades are based on the total number of points earned in the course:

Grade of a: 88% - 100% of total possible points
Grade of B: 72% - 87% of total possible points
Grade of C/Cr: 55%- 71% of total possible points
Grade of D: 40% - 54% of total possible points
Grade of F: 39% or less than the total possible points

Extra-credit is not possible in this course.

The way to succeed in Health 1 is to do all of the assignments and submit them on time. Late work:
Within one week of the due date = full credit
Between 1 and 2 weeks of the due date = half credit
Two weeks after the due date = no credit

Health 1 may be taken on a Cr/NCr basis. Petitions for Cr/NCr due Feb 18
Last day to Drop with NGR via Classweb = Feb 7
Last day to Withdraw (W) = Apr 17

Course Materials

No textbook is required. All readings are online.

Recommended text for reference/further reading: Health and Wellness, 12th Ed. (2015).
Authors: Gordon Edlin and Eric Golanty
Publisher: Jones and Bartlett
ISBN: 978-1284067293

This book has a website. It can be obtained from Amazon.com


The course instructor is Eric Golanty, Ph.D.

Assignments & Schedule

Course Assignments and Schedule