First Aid for Sports Injuries

APP Contents

SCRAPE (Abrasion)

Wear latex gloves to prevent transmission of HIV and other infections. Remain calm and in control. Reassure the bleeding person using a calm, firm voice.

Profuse bleeding may require stitches to close the wound.

Immediate Attention

1. Cleanse the wound with soap and warm water from a tap, a plastic squeeze bottle, or rubber bulb to rinse away dirt and particles. Antiseptic is not required but may be used if desired.

2. Remove debris remaining after washing with a washcloth or soft brush.

3. Do not bandage unless bleeding persists and then only to stop the bleeding.

Consult a physician IF...

•  a serious scrape is on the face, scalp, chest, abdomen, back, or extremities.

•  the wound is gaping or deep.

•  the scrape is over a joint.

•  the scrape is from a human or animal bite.

•  blood spurts forcefully from the wound.

•  fat protrudes from the wound.

•  there is doubt that all foreign matter has been removed from the wound.

•  signs of infection occur (pus, redness, swelling, fever.

•  a tetanus shot has not been received within the previous 5 years.

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Copyright Eric Golanty. All rights reserved.