First Aid for Sports Injuries
APP Contents
Rest - Ice - Compression - Elevation
REST: Rest/immobilize the injured region to retard swelling/internal bleeding.
ICE: Cover the injured region with a cold pack, crushed ice or ice cubes in a towel, ice bag, or frozen peas for 10-30 minutes. DO NOT put ice on bare skin. Remove ice for 15 minutes; re-ice for 15-30 minutes for 3 hours.
COMPRESSION: Wrap the injured region with an elastic ("ACE" or similar) wrap (see "HOW TO..." below) to retard swelling. Be sure to overlap the elastic bandage by one-half to one-third of its width each time you go around (i.e., leave no spaces or holes). Remove the wrap if compression increases pain, the skin turns pale or blue, or there is loss of sensation, numbness, or tingling. (video: How to wrap an elastic bandage).
ELEVATION: elevate the injured region (particularly a limb) to control swelling and internal bleeding.