First Aid for Sports Injuries

APP Alphabetical Index


Wear latex gloves to prevent transmission of HIV and other infections. Remain calm and in control. Reassure the bleeding person using a calm, firm voice.

Immediate Attention

1. The person should sit with the head tilted slightly forward to prevent blood from entering the breathing apparatus or throat.

2. The person should remain quiet and still.

3. Apply pressure to close the bleeding nostril, or pinch both nostrils for five minutes, or place a rolled gauze pad under the lip against the gum.

4. Apply an ice/cold pack to the nose and face.

5. If direct pressure does not work, insert a small sterile gauze into the bleeding nostril and pinch closed.

Consult a physician IF...

•   bleeding persists for more than 10 minutes.

•   the nosebleed was due to a fall or blow to the face or head.

•   nosebleeds are recurrent.

•   other bruises are evident.

•   the person bruises easily or bleeds easily and profusely.

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Copyright Eric Golanty. All rights reserved.