First Aid for Sports Injuries
APP Alphabetical Index
Call for professional help immediately.
1. Try to awaken the victim by shaking him or her vigorously and shouting "Are you all right!?"
2. No response? Check if breathing (chest/stomach moving? faint air escaping the mouth?).
3. If not breathing, lay the victim flat on the back. If necessary, roll the victim over, moving head and body simultaneously to avoid worsening a neck injury.
4. Loosen clothing around the head and chest.
5. Remove foreign material from the victim's mouth:
Hold the mouth open with a hand and depress the tongue with the thumb.
Use the index finger on the other hand like a hook to sweep the mouth clear.
6. Continue to monitor vital signs every few minutes until Emergency Medical Service arrives.
give an unconscious person any food or drink.
leave the person alone.
place a pillow under the head of an unconscious person.
slap or splash water on the face to try to revive an unconscious person.