First Aid for Sports Injuries

APP Alphabetical Index


In males: most often a contusion of the testes, also dislocation of the testes from the scrotum to an adjacent body region, laceration of the scrotum, or urethra injury.
In females: contusion of vulva and mons region and lacerations of vulva and vagina.

Immediate Attention

Significant bleeding from a cut: apply pressure as with any bleeding injury.

Bleeding from the urethra: delay urination until a physician is consulted.

Testicular Injury

1. Lie on back with legs bent.

2. Take slow, steady, deep breaths.

3. If significant injury, apply ice/cold pack.

4. Elevate scrotum on several rolled towels placed between the legs.

5. Rest until able to walk; resume activity when ready.

Vulvar injury

1. Apply ice/cold pack to contusions of vulva/vagina.

2. Rest until able to walk; resume activity when ready.

Consult a physician IF...

•   scrotum pain persists for more than one hour.

•  there is swelling or blood in the scrotum.

•  one or both testes cannot be located in the scrotum.

•  there is pain or urination, urination is not possible, or there is blood in the urine.

•  bleeding from the urethra.

•  laceration of penis, scrotum, vulva, or vagina.

•  vaginal bleeding not associated with menstruation.

•  any penetrating injury to the genitalia.

•  female experiences abdominal pain after injury.

References          Main Web Site

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Copyright Eric Golanty. All rights reserved.