First Aid for Sports Injuries
APP Alphabetical Index
In males: most often a contusion of the testes, also dislocation of the testes from the scrotum to an adjacent body region, laceration of the scrotum, or urethra injury.
In females: contusion of vulva and mons region and lacerations of vulva and vagina.
Immediate Attention
Significant bleeding from a cut: apply pressure as with any bleeding injury.
Bleeding from the urethra: delay urination until a physician is consulted.
Testicular Injury
1. Lie on back with legs bent.
2. Take slow, steady, deep breaths.
3. If significant injury, apply ice/cold pack.
4. Elevate scrotum on several rolled towels placed between the legs.
5. Rest until able to walk; resume activity when ready.
Vulvar injury
1. Apply ice/cold pack to contusions of vulva/vagina.
2. Rest until able to walk; resume activity when ready.
Consult a physician IF...
scrotum pain persists for more than one hour.
there is swelling or blood in the scrotum.
one or both testes cannot be located in the scrotum.
there is pain or urination, urination is not possible, or there is blood in the urine.
bleeding from the urethra.
laceration of penis, scrotum, vulva, or vagina.
vaginal bleeding not associated with menstruation.
any penetrating injury to the genitalia.
female experiences abdominal pain after injury.