First Aid for Sports Injuries
APP Alphabetical Index
General Rules |
Opening the Airway
Rescue Breathing |
CPR is carried out on someone who has stopped breathing and/or whose heart has stopped.
Immediate Attention (age > 8 years)
1. FIRST! Check for consciousness. Tap on the shoulder and shout,"Are you all right!?" DO NOT SHAKE in case of damage to the spinal cord. Have someone call 911.
Untrained at CPR:
1. As #1 above.
2. Lay the victim flat on the back. If necessary, roll the victim over, moving head
and body simultaneously to avoid worsening a possible neck injury.
3. Kneel next to the victim's neck and shoulders.
4. Place the heel of your hand over the center of the victim's chest, between the
nipples. Place your other hand on top of the first hand. Lock your elbows straight. Position your shoulders directly above your hands.
5. Push down using your upper body weight (not just your arms); compress the
chest about two inches.
6. Deliver 100 chest compressions per minute until EMS arrive.
Trained at CPR:
As #1 above except:
1. Deliver 30 chest compressions (as above).
2. Administer Rescue Breathing (see above)
CPR on a Child (Age 1-8)
As #1 above except:
1. Use only one hand to perform compressions.
2. Use cycles of 30 compression/2 breaths until EMS arrive.