First Aid for Sports Injuries

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STOP! the bleeding with direct pressure on the wound. Wear latex gloves to prevent transmission of HIV and other infections. Remain calm and in control. Reassure the bleeding person using a calm, firm voice. If the injury is to the head, neck, abdomen, or leg, do not move the person. Lay the person down and cover with a jacket or blanket.

Immediate Attention

1. With a sterile gauze pad, clean handkerchief, or gloved hand, apply firm, steady pressure over the wound.

2. If a dressing becomes soaked with blood, apply another dressing. Do not remove the original dressing. Do not peek at the wound to see if the bleeding has stopped.

3. Elevate an injured hand, arm, leg, or foot above the level of the heart to slow blood loss.

4. Apply gentle pressure to a scalp wound.

5. Apply a tourniquet ONLY if direct pressure for a maximum of 30 minutes cannot be stop the bleeding.

6. Do not probe a wound to seek or remove an embedded object.

Consult a physician IF...

•  bleeding cannot be controlled even with a tourniquet.

•  foreign material cannot be removed from the wound. bleeding is from the ear or scalp.

•  there is coughing or vomiting blood. bleeding is from the chest or abdomen (sign of possible internal bleeding). a tetanus shot has not been received in the prior 5 years.

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Copyright Eric Golanty. All rights reserved.