Eric Golanty, Ph.D.
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Las Positas College. Professor, Department of Health, Wellness, and Physical Education Courses taught: Introduction to Health; Introduction to Health Online; Peer Health Education and Support; Drugs and Society; Human Sexuality. Chair, College Technology Committee. Online teacher of the year. Faculty trainer: distance education and educational uses of the Internet. Developer and former director of the Las Positas College Honors Transfer Program. Developer and former director of the the Las Positas College Community Education Program. Co-Director and Director of Training, Student Health Education and Peer Counseling Program.
University of California, Davis. Lecturer, Department of Human Development; Adjunct Clinical Professor, Department of Community Health, UC Davis School of Medicine. Courses taught: Human Sexuality; AIDS; Current Topics in Health; The Individual and the Family; Peer Counselor Training. Health Educator, UCD Student Health Center. Supervisor, Peer Counselors in Sexuality, a health education and peer counseling program. Developed and taught Peer Counselor Training for 125 peer counselor/health educators. Curricular Design Consultant in human sexuality, UC Davis School of Medicine. Curricular Design Consultant in substance abuse education for medical students, UC Davis School of Medicine.
Sacramento City College. Adjunct Instructor. Courses taught: Human Sexuality; Sexuality in the Later Years
University of California, Berkeley Extension. Instructor. Courses taught: Human Sexuality for mental health professionals; "The Health Professional's Guide to the Internet."
School of Professional Psychology. Instructor. Course taught: Human sexuality for mental health professionals in training.