Personal Vital Statistics

10 points

People through finding something beautiful,
think something else unbeautiful.
Through finding one man fit judge another unfit


Make a hard copy of this page. Enter the appropriate data about yourself. Date it and keep it for your personal records. E-mail your results to the Instructor.

1. My height in feet and inches (without shoes):_____

2.My weight in pounds now (with clothes):_____

3A. My highest weight as an adult = _____ pounds, which I weighed when I was ____ years old.

3B. My lowest weight as an adult = _____ pounds, which I weighed when I was ____ years old.

4. My Body Mass Index (BMI) is ______(Use this online calculator):_____

5. My estimated daily calorie requirement, as calculated below:

Step 1: I am _____feet _____ inches tall.

Step 2: My Body Mass Units = ______ (as calculated below):
** Women: allow 100 Body Mass Units for first 5 feet of height + 5 Body Mass Units for each additional inch
** Men: allow 106 Body Mass Units for first 5 ft. of height and 6 Body Mass Units for each additional inch

Step 3: I estimate my Activity Factor to be...
Sedentary = 13
Active= 15
Very active = 17

Step 4: My estimated daily calories = (Body Mass Units) x (Activity Factor) = ___________

6. My Resting Heart Rate (pulse) is:_____beats per minute
How to measure your heart rate video
How to measure your heart rate text.

7. My target heart rate zone is between _____ and _____ beats per minute
Online Calculator
OR Table of values

8. My blood pressure is (ask your doctor):
Systolic (top number) _____
Diastolic (bottom number) _____

9. My blood cholesterol is:

Total ______
LDL ______
HDL ______

Blood cholesterol must be measured with a blood test. Ask your doctor or get these values measured.