Module 5
Nutrition and Health

A man is satisfied not by the quantity of food
but by the absence of greed


Goals for this Module
Assignments for this Module
Recommended Resources

Goals for this Module

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

Assignments for this Module

  1. Read: Nutrition Basics
  2. Read: Readings imbedded in Module 5 Learning Activities.
  3. Do: Module 5 Learning Activities
  4. Do: Food Diary
  5. Do: Fast Food Restaurant Research

Recommended Resources

The Nutrition Source... Nutrition info from the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health

Food Politics... Professor Marion Nestle of the department of Nutrition at New York University blogs about nutrition, the food industry, and health.

Choose practical information to individuals, health professionals, nutrition educators, and the food industry to help consumers build healthier diets with resources and tools for dietary assessment, nutrition education, and other user-friendly nutrition information.

Nutrient Data Laboratory...find out the nutrient composition of just about any food, from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Fast Food Nutrition Facts...provides the nutrient content of just about every fast food product. U.S. Department of Agricuture's All-About Nutrition website

Vegetarian Resource Guide...from the Vegetarian Resource Group

2010 Dietray Guidelines for Americans...U.S .Government's official dietary recommendations. 2015 Dietary Guidelines coming soon food safety and foodborne illnesses

FDA Dietary Supplement information

Seafood Safety...U.S.President's Food Safety Working Group