Module 9 Learning Activities
10 points
A second touching a hot stove
seems like an hour.
An hour touching a pretty girl
seems like a minute.
Now that's relativity!
Albert Einstein
Read: Risk Factors for Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Respond to the questions below and submit your responses to the Instructor. Each response is worth 1 point
1. What is vaginitis? Which of the following is NOT a
risk factor for vaginitis
A. A low-carb diet because carbohydrates prevent the growth of infecting organisms
B. Use of antibiotics because they destroy vaginal bacteria, which are required for normal vaginal physiology.
C. Wearing nylon underwear because heat and moisture can foster the growth of infecting organisms.
D. Use of birth control pills, because in some women they change the chemical balance of the vagina, which fosters growth of yeasts and other organisms.
2. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common among women. List four ways to lessen the risk of a UTI?
Cervical cancer was once one of the most common causes of cancer death for American women. But over the last 30 years, the cervical cancer death rate has gone down by more than 50%. The main reason for this change was the invention of the Pap test. Another reason for the decrease in the death rate from cervical cancer was the development of a test for and a vaccine against HPV.
A. What is a Pap test?
B. How does the Pap test decrease the rate of cervical cancer death?
C. What is HPV?
D. To whom should the HPV vaccine be administered?
4. An ectopic tubal pregnancy is implantation of an embryo in a fallopian tube instead of the uterus. Tubal pregnancies almost always end in miscarriage, and sometimes they threaten the health of the mother. Tubal pregnancies generally are the result of damage to the fallopian tubes by Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). PDI and subsquent risks for ectopic tubal pregnancy are associated with two STDs: ___________ and ___________.
5. The major purpose of testicular self-exam is detection of____
A. erection problems
C. infertility
D. cancer
6. When using a condom,
A. reuse is OK as long as the condom is washed with lukewarm water only (no soap!)
B. proper usage includes leaving space at the tip to catch the ejaculate.
C. proper usage includes putting one on at any time during sexual intercourse prior to ejaculation.
D. proper usage includes using mineral oil or vaseline for added lubrication to prevent condom damage from friction.
7. List and describe nine risk factors for acquiring a sexually transmitted infection.
8. List five risks associated with using alcohol and sexual activity.
9. Chemicals ingested during pregnancy that increase the risk of birth defects are called teratogens. List four common chemicals that can be teratogens.
10. Choose a topic. Follow the link to the information source and write a brief report about something you found interesting and/or helpful.
Birth Control
Birth Control...from Planned Parenthood
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Urinary Tract Infections
Prostate Diseases
Vaginal Diseases
Menstrual Cramps
Painful Intercourse
United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
STDs...from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Emergency Contraception
Erection Problems
Ejaculation Problems: Too Fast, Too Slow or Not at All?