Module 1 Learning Activities

5 points

We do not see things as they are. We see things as we are


Respond to each question below. E-mail your responses to the Instructor (How to submit assignments). Each response is worth 1 point.

1. Into how many modules is the course organized? (See Assignments and Schedule)

2. What is the number of the module that contains the Fast Food Research Assignment and on what date is that assignment due? (See Assignments and Schedule)

3 Explain how you get your grade in Health 1? (See Grading)

4. What is your interpretation of the story of Two Monks and the River? Post your response on the course Discussion Board if you wish to

5. What is your personal definition of health? Write a one-paragraph response. Keep a copy of your response for use later in the course. Post your response on the course Discussion Board if you wish to.